Circular Economy – TASMEEM DOHA 2022 / RADICAL FUTURES Art & Design Biennial - Doha, Qatar Mon, 28 Feb 2022 14:51:00 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Alphabet Soup: A Materials Workshop – from DIY to PLA to PHB Thu, 03 Feb 2022 23:45:11 +0000 Two-day in-person workshop by Richard Lombard (Materials Specialist, Matter of Importance)

  • 9th March & 10th March 2022, 9 AM – 12 PM
  • Room 101c
  • Upon Registration Only 

It is 2022, and the idea of circularity shouldn’t be “radical”. Yet, it is. We continue to promote consumption, at unsustainable levels, with little or no thought to the end-of-life considerations of that consumption. At the core of Circularity lie materials: raw, processed, and waste. For many of us, these are foreign elements – something “out there” and vastly incomprehensible. Using the device of cooking, however, this workshop will treat materials as “ingredients”, and seek to acclimatize participants with the creation of new materials through this familiar act. Drawing on the culinary metaphor – the ephemeral and intoxicating soufflé is the result of four simple ingredients that everyone has in their kitchen at this very moment. The key is in the handling of the materials.

With assistance from Yasmeen Suleiman, Rabab Abdulla, and Abdul Rahman Anwar.

This event is an in-person event for the VCUarts Qatar community only. Please use the registration button to register.
