Biotechnology – TASMEEM DOHA 2022 / RADICAL FUTURES Art & Design Biennial - Doha, Qatar Thu, 03 Mar 2022 06:27:15 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 MRI Sat, 19 Feb 2022 23:23:51 +0000 In this universe, everything is connected from the smallest sand particle to humans, big trees, and animals. As a Macro photographer, my eyes catch the smallest details around me. I have been collecting stones and shells for a long time and I noticed that if you put them together they will look similar but actually they are each unique with different patterns, colors, textures, and details carved by time and nature. I have always been fascinated by nature and how structured it is, reflecting the universe and its beauty. MRI is used to record brain activity and the brain is the center of all knowledge, emotions, memories, behavior & creation. Mri was an even deeper exploration of this beauty. In this experience I’m writing my own rules, expanding my own boundaries while exploring the smallest of worlds.

Catalog for the Post-Human – a Case Study in Critical Worldbuilding Wed, 02 Feb 2022 13:15:39 +0000 Talk by Jessica Charlesworth & Tim Parsons (art and design studio)

  • 8th March 2022, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
  • Atrium
  • Upon Registration Only

Jessica Charlesworth and Tim Parsons from art and design studio Parsons & Charlesworth will discuss their multi-part project Catalog for the Post-Human, an expansive satire that critiques the tech and wellbeing industry’s drive to enhance human productivity to fulfill the needs of data-driven capitalism.

The latest iteration of the work, shown at last year’s Venice Architecture Biennale, takes the form of a near-future organization’s trade fair booth showcasing a series of body augmentation products for contingent workers, complete with animated infographics, marketing copy, an infomercial, and accompanying website.

The project provides a case study in critical worldbuilding, and in this talk, Jessica and Tim will share the processes and tools they used when developing and realizing the project, including how their research informed the satirical objects, texts, branding, and digital content that make up the Venice installation.

This event is an in-person event for the VCUarts Qatar community only that will be streamed live. Members of the public are welcome to ask questions in a moderated chat, at the end of each session. Please use the registration button to register and receive a link to your chosen event.

Exploring boundaries by piercing barriers Tue, 01 Feb 2022 13:53:53 +0000 Jalila Essaïdi will be giving this talk virtually to a live audience. Seats are limited and are only open to VCUarts Qatar or Education city students, faculty, or alumni. In-person attendees must follow VCUarts Qatar guidelines related to COVID-19.

7th March 2022, 2 PM – 3 PM
Upon Registration Only

An artist talk with Jalila Essa di presented in three chapters: Chapter 1 reflects on the project ‘2.6g 329m/s’ a project where in vitro bulletproof human skin was created as an art project. Jalila will talk about how art can probe the duality of safety and the applications of new forms of biotechnology.

Chapter 2 discusses project ‘mestic’, creating plastics, textiles, and paper from cow manure. Continuing from the genetically modified goats of the bulletproof skin project and diving into the global problem of excess manure from intensive animal farming the artist will explain how a disgusting problem can hold the solution to two of the world’s most polluting industries: intensive farming and the textile industry.

And Chapter 3 is about the national development institute for the biological arts: BioArt Laboratories. Countless requests from artists, designers, and people in general (about best practices when working at the crossover of multiple domains) drove Jalila Essaidi to initiate the BioArt Laboratories foundation. A development institute that explores the possibility of combining culture, entrepreneurship, and nature together in a symbiotic relationship. Using project Tree-Antenna as a specific example.

This event is an in-person event for the VCUarts Qatar community only that will be streamed live. Members of the public are welcome to ask questions in a moderated chat, at the end of each session. Please use the registration button to register and receive a link to your chosen event.
