The 3ajeeb! studios were interdisciplinary, collaborative workshops designed to produce viable end products by the conclusion of each session.
Robots With Character
Making Animated Gifs In Fashion
Turning the Tables on Table Tennis
The Nomadic Doll
Magic stories for the Wonder Box
Tokyo to Doha, 3D Print Exchange
Praesentia: Drawing and Code
Arabic Script Light Calligraphy
Now That’s A Zine!
Mechanisms of Delightful Interaction
The Moneychanger
Floating architecture
Touch the Sound
Upcycling punch-card knitting machines
Face painted people
The house that knew too much
So, what are you going to shoot?
Bamboo Bike Building
Heya ... Origami!
Atypical Type
DIY Battle of the Bands
Portrait Machine
Hole in One: Exquisite Corpse Mini-Golf
They Promised Us Jetpacks